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Transoral approaches for Head-Neck tumors. An update. Meet the experts

Código del curso: MHE18005001.

September 28, 2018
Precio de inscripción:
400 euros.  Registraton fee: 400€


ICEMEQ Instituto Clínic de Especialidades Médicas y Quirúrgicas - Otorrinolaringología


Considering the innovations that have taken place in Transoral approaches we thought that it was about time to meet again to update and share the knowledge in this field in an intensive one-day event.

Renowned speakers from all over Europe with a vast experience in transoral surgery, be it with laser, robotics or semi-robotics, have accepted to deliver their latest results and to share their experience. 

This symposium is not intended to be a training course, but to focus on outcomes and controversial aspects. Topics covered in the course will include from early local to advanced tumours, the choice of best transoral approach depending on tumour location / extension.

Sede del curso

 Paranimf, School of Medicine, University of Barcelona.

St/ Casanova, 143

Fundació Clínic Barcelona

Aula Clinic

Carrer Diputacio 231, Seminari Conciliar
08036 Barcelona

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Maria: 699857469
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